The LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund application portal will open on Monday, January 20, at 9 a.m. PST. More information will be available soon!

Unfettering Artists' Productivity and Impact

The Accelerator 9-week Arts Business Program

10:00 AM, May 4, 2022

Topic: Career Development: Multiple Topic Business Training

Provider/Presenting Organization: Intersection for the Arts

Location: Online Classes/Webinars

The Accelerator


May 4 - June 29

Learn the business side of creative work through 9 weeks of interactive seminars and deep-dive labs centered around CCI’s Business of Art publication. You will work in cohort sessions and small group coaching circles to develop your own Business Model Canvas, and develop business modeling for an arts practice, project, or venture. Info sessions March 2 and April 20. 

Note: This workshop is led by staff of Intersection for the Arts, and is not a CCI program. 

The Accelerator is a Quick Grant eligible activity; California artists must apply here for tuition reimbursement no later than March 15.