This interactive workshop provides an overview of funding strategies available to individual artists, arts organizations, and artistic entrepreneurs, from foundation and government grants to crowd-sourced fundraising (like Kickstarter and Patreon) and earned income streams. You'll practice telling your story and mission, understand what makes a good project budget or artist statement, and connect the dots between funding strategies and engaging your community. Learn best practices and tricks of the trade to sustain your creative work.

Krista Smith has over 18 years of Arts Nonprofit Development and Strategic Planning experience. She has previously served as the Director of Development for the Queer Cultural Center and Frameline. Smith specializes in grant writing and grants management, strategic planning, and fundraising events production. She views the arts as a foundational element to creating social change and social equity and is thrilled to be putting her skills and experiences to use to work with Artists, Arts Organizations, and Artistic Entrepreneurs to increase their financial resources, create sustainable organizational strategies, and engage with their communities. Smith serves over two-dozen San Francisco Bay Area based artists and arts organizations including the Berkeley Music Group, the Center for Asian American Media, Frameline, Fresh Meat Productions, 3Girls Theatre, the Queer Cultural Center, and the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival. Smith is also known as Kentucky Fried Woman, a performance artist who has produced and performed in hundreds of queer cultural events over the past two-decades. Her writing has been published in several anthologies including Queer Appalachia, Glitter & Grit, Femmes of Power, and the Register of Kentucky History.