CCI - Emergency Prep 101 for Artists
June 8, 2022, 12:00 - 1:30 PM
Topic: Other
Provider/Presenting Organization: Center for Cultural Innovation & CERF+
Location: Online Classes/Webinars

What can you do to be more ready and resilient as an artist? What does emergency preparedness look like for your creative practice?
CCI is proud to partner with
CERF+ to present this free, 90-minute webinar for artists and creatives. Presenter Carrie Cleveland shares information and resources to help you better prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises. Learn about the non-profit organization CERF+, conducting a risk assessment, studio safety, disaster and emergency preparedness, documentation and safe storage, business insurance, and key actions to take to protect your career.
About the Presenter

Carrie Cleveland, CERF+’s director of education and outreach, has participated in all aspects of CERF+’s work to help artists have resilient careers and serves as CERF+’s in-house specialist on disaster readiness training and outreach. In addition to creating readiness resources and teaching emergency preparedness workshops, Carrie serves on the steering committee of the Vermont Arts & Culture Disaster and Resilience Network and is also a member of the AIR Institute’s Crisis Analysis and Mitigation Coach Pilot (led by NCAPER). She holds a bachelor’s degree in history, with extensive work in the visual arts, from Marlboro College.
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Time: 12:00-1:30pm PT / 3:00-4:30pm ET
Recording: This webinar will be recorded. It will be archived (with closed captions) on the CCI Arts YouTube channel within one week of the presentation, however live attendance is encouraged as we will be taking questions during the event.
Registration: Free with RSVP
CCI maintains a list of Emergency Resources for Artists and Freelancers, including emergency funds and informational guides.
This workshop is made possible by: