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Topics Covered: Technology Training directory (13 members)

Kristine Maltrud


ArtSpark is dedicated to shifting the arts ecosystem where artists live and work. The current arts ecosystem is confusing, frustrating, fragmented and full of inefficiencies. ArtSpark envisions a realigned arts ecosystem that minimizes the burden of building and managing the business of being an artist so artists can remain true to their creative practice and art. To that end, ArtSpark offers workshops and technical assistance to artists, artisans, designers, makers and creative entrepreneurs focused on business development (Artist Business Canvas workshops), communications (including social media), fundraising, marketing and branding, audience development and community engagement. ArtSpark also connects artists (and designers, makers, etc.) to creativity-friendly business professionals and online resources in their communities. 
Topic(s): Financial Management and Accounting; Executive Coaching; Networking/Field Learning; Fundraising; Leadership; Audience Development; Career Development: Multiple Topic Business Training; Management/Strategic Planning; Legal Issues; Marketing/Communications; Education; Technology Training
Location(s): Online Classes/Webinars; San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: x
Website: http://www.art-spark.org

Artwork Archive

Artwork Archive provides artists with the dependable, intuitive, forward-thinking tools they need to manage, sell, and market their artwork, transforming a passion into a paycheck. Artwork Archive helps artists streamline the business side of their career with world-wide access to its cloud-based inventory software that enriches the artist’s own raw data through heat maps that simultaneously pinpoint sale various geographic regions, graphs that chart production and sales values over time, and templates for consignment sheets, invoices, and portfolio pages.
Topic(s): Financial Management and Accounting; Marketing/Communications; Technology Training
Location(s): National
Phone: 720-628-5624
Website: http://www.artworkarchive.com

Bay Area Video Coalition

The Bay Area Video Coalition s (BAVC) mission is to bring increased cultural and economic participation to underserved communities through media. Since its founding in 1976, the organization s belief that telling compelling stories is powerful for both maker and audience, remains unchanged. Over the last 32 years, it has developed an entrepreneurial web of programs and services that bring together a multi-generational mix of artists, experienced media professionals, educators, low-income youth and adults, and industry partners in this pursuit. BAVC has trained a diverse group of media, non-profit, and high-tech professionals and artists in various technologies including: video broadcast, digital editing, web design, 3-D animation, game design, motion capture, digital photography and multi-media production. Students consistently give BAVC high marks for the quality of our instructors and curriculum. BAVC's facility is fully equipped with the most relevant media making hardware and software available
Topic(s): Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (415) 861-3282
Website: http://www.bavc.org

Center for Cultural Innovation

The Center for Cultural Innovation was founded in 2001 with a mission to promote knowledge sharing, networking and financial independence for individual artists and creative entrepreneurs by providing business training, grants and loans, and incubating innovative projects that create new program knowledge, tools and practices for artists in the field. Through our professional development offerings, individual artists and creative entrepreneurs learn key business skills that provide them with the knowledge and resources to help advance their art, develop their ideas and increase their financial independence. More courses will be scheduled throughout the year. For more information on CCI or to register for Bay Area workshops visit our website at www.cciarts.org.
Topic(s): Fundraising; Marketing/Communications; Legal Issues; Management/Strategic Planning; Technology Training
Location(s): Los Angeles Metro; South Bay Area; San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (415) 288-0530
Website: http://www.cciarts.org

CompassPoint Nonprofit Services

At CompassPoint, we believe in the investment of people who work and volunteer in the nonprofit sector. That is why thousands of nonprofits send their staff to CompassPoint training programs. Visit www.compasspoint.org/workshops to view our current course catalog. CompassPoint provides you with the overall learning objectives in each of our core curriculum areas. We have created learning paths course sequences that work together to help you or someone you supervise, achieve a depth of mastery in these essential topics. Learning path courses are paced so that they are easy for you to schedule. Workshop content builds skills sequentially. Experience in a particular job role may enable a participant to take the more advanced class but classes are designed to provide the most benefit taken in sequence.
Topic(s): Board Development; Financial Management and Accounting; Fundraising; Leadership; Marketing/Communications; Management/Strategic Planning; Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area; Online Classes/Webinars
Phone: (415) 541-9000
Website: http://www.compasspoint.org

Dancers' Group

Recognized as a national model in the field of dance, Dancers’ Group was founded in 1982. Always an artist-centric organization closely connected to its constituents, Dancers’ Group’s programs, services and advocacy work addresses both the specific and broad needs of those involved in dance. Dancers’ Group’s portfolio of 15 programs fall into the categories of Free Public Performances, Audience Development, Fiscal Sponsorship, and Information Exchanges and Convenings. Dancers’ Group’s Fiscal Sponsorship program offers access to philanthropic support and other resources, while Re-Granting distributes funding to individual dance artists and small organizations. Dancers’ Group serves as a hub for resources, information and relevant news about the dance ecosystem for over 1,600 members and over 80,000 users through online and email platforms, which feature a Community Calendar of local performances each month. Via the free print and online publication “In Dance,” Dancers’ Group publishes articles about artists and issues relevant to them. 
Topic(s): Fundraising; Marketing/Communications; Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (415) 920-9181
Website: http://www.dancersgroup.org

Fractured Atlas

We help individual artists and arts organizations at every level of the cultural ecosystem, in every creative medium, through several programs: Fiscal Sponsorship, Artful.ly, and SpaceFinder for example.

Fractured Atlas also provides educational resources and personalized support. That means artists can devote their effort to doing what they do best — making art that matters to them and the world.

We are based in New York but our influence is national — even global, with international members.

Topic(s): Financial Management and Accounting; Fundraising; Marketing/Communications; Other; Technology Training
Location(s): National
Phone: 888-692-7878
Website: http://www.fracturedatlas.org

Karen Atkinson

Getting Your Sh*t Together/GYSTInk

Karen Atkinson runs GYST Ink (Getting Your Sh*t Together) as an art practice, working to make life better for artists through software, publications and support services. She also does consulting on a one to one basis for artists and arts administrators. See website for additional details.
Topic(s): Financial Management and Accounting; Executive Coaching; Networking/Field Learning; Fundraising; Facilitation; Leadership; Non Profit Job Opportunities; Programming; Audience Development; Career Development: Multiple Topic Business Training; Management/Strategic Planning; Advocacy; Legal Issues; Marketing/Communications; Education; Board Development; Technology Training
Location(s): National

Website: http://www.gyst-ink.com

Kala Art Institute

Kala Art Institute's mission is to help artists sustain their creative efforts over time through its Artist-in- Residence and Fellowship Programs, and to increase appreciation of this work through exhibitions, public programming and educational efforts. Artists at Kala are encouraged to produce innovative artwork of the highest quality, and are given total freedom to realize their artistic vision using media that span the Gutenberg to digital eras. Artists are also provided with a number of professional development opportunities, and a spirit of exchange and education is nurtured through artist involvement in exhibitions, special events, lectures, teaching, and classroom experience. Additionally, Kala is committed to offering quality art education to the general public and public school children through its on-site program of classes and workshops and its Artists in Schools program, established in 1991, providing multiple-week artist-led instruction to students in East Bay public schools and summer programs.
Topic(s): Fundraising; Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (510) 549-2977
Website: http://www.kala.org

Renaissance Entrepreneur Center

The mission of Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center is to empower and increase the entrepreneurial capacities of socially and economically diverse women and men, and thereby strengthen our communities through the creation of sustainable new businesses, new jobs, and the promotion of financial self-sufficiency.
Topic(s): Financial Management and Accounting; Management/Strategic Planning; Networking/Field Learning; Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (415) 541-8580
Website: http://www.rencenter.org

San Francisco Film Society

The San Francisco Film Society is proud to present a full range of Filmmaker Education classes designed to help students at all levels gather the knowledge and skills they need to succeed as filmmakers from concept and creation to execution and exhibition. The program features 20 30 classes per tri-quarterly session, organized to guide students organically through the filmmaking process. Our instructors are working professionals with a passion for nurturing filmmakers at all stages of their careers. Whether you re a filmmaker, film aficionado or seeking professional or personal development, Filmmaker Education will empower you within a vibrant community of artists and unleash your creative energy in pursuit of cinematic excellence. Presented in partnership with Film Arts Foundation
Topic(s): Fundraising; Legal Issues; Marketing/Communications; Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (415) 561-5048
Website: http://www.sffs.org

San Jose Entrepreneur Center/SBA

The Cisco Systems " San Jose Entrepreneur Center is a collaborative effort between the public sector, private industry and non-profit organizations to provide small business owners with the resources information and tools they need to be successful. Together, the sponsors and contributors have developed a one-stop location where start-up and existing businesses can come to fulfill all their needs-from financing to training to expert consulting to technology information and tools to the latest resources available on the market.
Topic(s): Financial Management and Accounting; Marketing/Communications; Legal Issues; Management/Strategic Planning; Board Development; Technology Training
Location(s): South Bay Area
Phone: (408) 494-0217
Website: http://www.sanjoseecenter.org/

Tech Soup

Connects nonprofits and public libraries with donated and discounted technology products. Offers nonprofits a one-stop resource for technology needs by providing free information, resources and support.
Topic(s): Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: 415/633-9300
Website: http://www.techsoup.org