Unfettering Artists' Productivity and Impact

International Symposium on Electronic Art

May 16 - 22, 2016

Topic: Networking/Field Learning

Provider/Presenting Organization: ISEA International

Location: Other States/Regions


Electronic media exemplifies the dual meaning of revolution: to always create new while returning to the old. In this dynamic, where multiple centers and margins compete for attention, and borders to be transgressed are shifting, paradigms and practices must be replaced, repackaged and re-appropriated to keep up with the parallel evolutions in art, creativity, culture, society, and politics.

Topics of ISEA2016 Hong Kong 香港

The New Geopolitics of (Art-)Making: D.I.Y. Ontologies & (De)institutionalization

Game Over - Play Again Y/N

The Animal and the Technological: Para/Post-Human Paradoxes

Massless: Liquid E-Occupy

Code, Language, Network, Politics

Noise Contra Signa

lBiopolitics/biopower: Genetics (G), Nanotechnology (N) and Robotics (R)



New Media and Cultural Heritage

For more information, please visit the symposium website here.